Free Ivy League Brain Development

How would you like to learn something you're interested in, and in the process of learning develop new neural connections? Would you do it if I told you it was free? Well now you can, and even at your own pace. You can take classes online for free at Ivy League schools with those "wicked smart kids." It's called open source learning. Open source learning has been available for several years and was a push by many who believe there should be no limitations, such as time or money, to an education.
It is easier than ever to take classes at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Columbia and many other higher learning centers at no charge. What's the catch? You won't receive a grade or a degree, however, you will receive an education that others are paying over $120,000 while not spending a dime doing it. Classes range from information technology, engineering, languages, history, geography and many more. The classes are normally streamed online (iTunes or Quicktime) and may also come in pdf format. There are several websites where you can start exercising your brain immediately, including and Find what interests you and give it a try.